Monday, February 10, 2014

The Lego Movie Opens With $69.1 Million

I can't say I'm surprised, but The Lego Movie is really raking in the cash! In fact, it has already made its budget back in one opening weekend!
The Lego Movie $60 million to make and it has made $69.1 million. Sure $60 million isn't that much to make a film but this is still a pretty big deal. and I really think this film deserves it. I've seen the film (a review will be on my blog soon) and I really enjoyed it and I hope its success will continue.

I talked about the announcement of a sequel to this film, and I can't think of a better time to say what I really think of there being a sequel, having seen the movie and talking about the box office.

I'm very mixed on there being a sequel. On one hand, the ending of the film does suggest a possible sequel and I would like to see more adventures, but I'm worried the sequel won't be as inventive as the original. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

What do you think of these box office numbers? Did you see The Lego Movie? What do you think about there being a sequel? Comment below!

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