Monday, March 3, 2014

'Frozen' News Update: Box Office and Oscars Recap

There is a lot of exciting news regarding Frozen. It's safe to say that with this remarkable box office update and the awards it won, yesterday was a very big day for Frozen.
First, let's talk about the box office.

Despite Frozen already being available on iTunes, that did not stop the film from reaching $1 billion yesterday. Yes, you read that correctly, $1 billion! I'm really happy to see this film reach such a milestone. I feel it is very well deserved, but please, Disney, don't make a Frozen 2.

Now let's move on to the Academy Awards! This one is very exciting!

Disney won their first ever Best Animated Film Oscar when Frozen unsurprisingly took the award home! Until last night, believe it or not, Disney has not won an Oscar in that category. The award usually went to Pixar. I am very excited to see this! While Monsters University is still the winner in my book, despite not getting nominated, I am really happy to see Disney finally win the award!

Frozen also won the award for Best Song with Let it Go, which was very, very well deserved. Idina Menzel even sang it live (well most of it), but John Travolta, when introducing her on stage, mispronounced her name and it sounded like he was saying Adele Dazim. That was really weird. But hey, the point is that Let it Go won Best Song and it deserved it! I wasn't happy that Get a Horse, the brilliant and inventive 1929-esque Mickey Mouse short film that was shown before Frozen, didn't win the award for Best Animated Short Film.

The Oscars overall last night were remarkable! Ellen was hysterical and I was glad to see Gravity win so many awards! I saw Gravity and thought it was unbelievable. Also, Ellen broke the record for most Retweets when she posted a photo on Twitter of her with a bunch of other celebrities. However, when breaking that record, she took the entire Twitter website along with it! So many people Retweeted it (including myself) that it broke Twitter!

There was also an amazing tribute to animation around the beginning of the ceremony! I was really happy to see the Academy finally pay tribute in some way to the beautiful art form of animation. However, one massive complaint I had with the ceremony happened during the memorial section, where they pay tribute to those in the film world who have left us over the past year. They mentioned everyone except for one extremely important lady: Diane Disney Miller! How could they forget to mention her?! She only dedicated her life to keeping her father, Walt Disney's name alive! Don't you think that deserves a mention?! At times like that, the Oscars do not fail to disappoint me.

You can see the entire list of Oscar winners here.

I really enjoyed the Oscars overall except for a few complaints. I'm happy to have seen Frozen win both awards it was nominated for and seeing the film be so successful.

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